Friday, May 25, 2012

Mini Gazebo Section - Behind the scenes

There's been lots of construction going on at the Bougas Camp. Deck repairs. Terrain leveling. Lap pool installation. Tree cutting and removal (lots of wood for this winter.) Landscaping and general clean up. In short, lots of new piles of lumber and stacks of tools for my kitty paws to explore. Between the doll company and the construction, Bogie has a lot do in her "day job."

But on the weekends, yes, after work, Bogie has been putting her creative juices into smaller construction projects. She used to produce most of her Room with a View (RWV) items in photoshop. Recently she discovered it's easier to create her scenes in miniature, photograph them and then take them into photoshop. I'm lovin' the mini stuff. Lots of little bits to bat about the studio. (Oh, it so fun knocking off just the piece Bogie needs when she's not looking.)

Here's a little mini Gazebo section Bogie produced last year and finally found the time to photograph. I was peeking at her computer yesterday. It looks like she has several "views" that are going to be perfect for the backdrop.

As usual, enjoy.


A mini Gazebo section made from bass wood. Bogie will photograph it from different
angles then compose the sections in photoshop.

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